Floyd County was formed in the year 1876. It covers an area of 993 sq mi. More than 6.4K people with marvelous mix of races including White, Native American, black or African American, Asian, Hispanic or Latino, Pacific Islander, and others along with 2.7K households and 2.1K family units reside in this region. The seat of county is Floydada.
Massive amount of data and significant details with regard to genealogy and family tree and other eventful data can be found in this marvelous Floyd County index. Being the most uncommon search index, the repository caters to different and diverse needs of the web hunters. Hence, get the data including obituary and death news, immigration and naturalization details, census archives, birth identity and its details, ancestor's SSN or social security number, marriage registration page and volume number, and other information about ancestors and their family and generate your family tree quite easily.