Named in the favor of Wylie Martin, Martin County was established in the year 1876 with an area of 916 sq mi. A population of about 4.7K with the affluent ethnic varieties of White, Native American, black or African American, Asian, Hispanic or Latino, Pacific Islander, and others along with more than 1.6K households and 1.2K families stay here. Stanton forms the County seat and the largest city of the County.
All the records on World War I&II and civil war records, naturalization and immigration reports, birth and birth certificate volume numbers, census index, land and real estate evaluation and distribution activities, marriage and marital status, adoption and adoptee accounts, separation decree, ancestral Social Security Numbers, probates and liens including last will, custody, property arrangements and other lawful credentials, military accomplishments and responsibility specifics along with rank and entity, civil court events and akin are widely entrusted by the online researchers and historical explorers across the globe that are conveniently achieved from the Martin County records site.